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33 years of international business development.

Neolink is celebrating 33 years of international business development. 2020 was a tough year for us all. Seclusion caused reflection and time to think. This time led many of us to think about what we are doing with our lives and perhaps, more so, with our natural resources. There is no one better than mother nature to teach us about time. The planting. The waiting. The harvest. Yet, how are we treating nature? Nature that offers us so much! Very poorly. With this conclusion, it is clear we must change our path. After a lot of research and hard work, coupled with over 30 years of experience connecting people, we came to the conclusion that Neolink would go green. And so, we’ve created new business fronts: Green Jobs & Social Responsibility. Our mission is to connect green technology firms to companies and government agencies that are committed to implementing a sustainable model.

Your connection between Brazil and the world!

  • Market penetration
  • Relationship establishment
  • Opportunity identification
  • Negotiation

Ongoing Initiatives

The Instituto Baobá program is a meticulously designed pathway to shape highly skilled and competitive IT professionals.

It goes beyond just teaching technical skills; it molds well-rounded individuals, ready to confidently and successfully tackle the dynamic and ever-growing challenges of the information technology world.

Upon graduation, students not only possess an impressive array of globally recognized certifications but also an unwavering confidence in their abilities and a deep understanding of the demands of the IT industry.

The inaugural course at Instituto Baobá is dedicated to Cybersecurity, offering a comprehensive and intensive educational experience. Students commit to the course full-time, from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, in a remote and synchronous format. The course structure includes:

  • 4 hours of daily technical content: Focused on the most relevant and up-to-date aspects of cybersecurity.

  • 1 hour of English: Aimed at enhancing essential language skills for the global market.

  • 4 hours of Soft Skills and Consciousness-Based Education: Includes practices like Transcendental Meditation and Yoga, with the goal of developing each student’s unlimited potential, increasing their concentration and focus, which are essential for academic and professional success.

The course content is designed to prepare students for market-recognized certification exams. In addition to theoretical material, the program offers simulations and specific mentoring, assisting students in studying the topics required for the exams.

Why Support?

We are a new institution, and we don’t aspire to be just another social project; we aim to train young people to become leaders in their professions who can influence their communities.

Without investing in the holistic development of the human being, these young individuals won’t be able to break the cycle of poverty. Our “pilot” program, with a limited number of participants, allows us to closely monitor progress and adjust the program to meet regional needs and challenges before seeking to scale.

We are building on a model that began over 20 years ago in South Africa. Like Instituto Baobá, it started small and grew as the youth graduated, and companies were able to evaluate the quality of the individuals both as professionals and as human beings. These young people radically transformed their quality of life, gaining access to well-paying careers and better life prospects. They influence their communities and the companies where they work, and today, they lead.

We understand that this will require time, investment, and hard work, but we believe our growth will be driven by the recognition of the quality of the professionals trained in our program.

Neolink is currently developing communication materials and fostering connections between local and international companies interested in supporting the Baobá Institute.

Partnership with the Rural Union of Cruzeiro, Brazil

Encouraging sustainability, production with preservation and conservation, economic visibility, and social fairness. Promoting the defense of rural producers through guidance, representation, and support via training and professional development.

Ensuring a Clean Future

  • Mobilization of approximately 1,000 hectares for forest restoration, working with over 150 rural producers in the region.
  • Development and execution of forest restoration projects for environmental compensation and adaptation of rural properties.
  • Extensive coordination between private entities and public agencies.
  • Training and education for over 50 field workers in occupational safety and first aid.

The Rural Union follows the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

  1. Health and well-being
  2. Quality education
  3. Sustainable cities and communities
  4. Responsible consumption and production
  5. Climate action
  6. Life on land

Neolink is working on the development of presentation and communication materials for the Cruzeiro Rural Union and is also facilitating connections with the private sector to identify potential investors in this project.

Capivari River Revitalization Project

Itamonte is a municipality with over 30 rural neighborhoods located in the Serra da Mantiqueira, one of the eight irreplaceable ecosystems in the world. Over 65% of its territory is within conservation units such as the Itatiaia National Park, the first national park established in Brazil, and the Serra do Papagaio State Park, among others. This area includes waters that flow into the Verde River, supply the hydrographic basin of the Grande River and the Furnas Reservoir, and eventually discharge into the Paraná River.

Recognizing the need for more sustainable development, local society and government are coming together to address the lack of basic sanitation, a major issue in the region that pollutes the waters and causes disruptions for the community.

The Capivari River revitalization project aims to provide proper sanitation to small mountain communities and involve local residents in monitoring water quality and quantity to ensure the sustainable development goals of water availability, sustainable management, and sanitation for all.

As the first action, the project is conducting a pilot in one of the municipality’s rural neighborhoods. The Colina neighborhood, home to 75 families, will benefit from the installation of septic tanks in all residences, funded by the Municipal Basic Sanitation Fund. Following this pilot, diagnostic, scope definition, and installation of treatment units will be carried out in all rural neighborhoods in the upper basin of the Capivari River.

Neolink has created and implemented an awareness campaign for the residents of Itamonte to support the revitalization of the Capivari River. Additionally, Neolink is assisting in the project development and engaging with the private sector to identify potential companies interested in participating in this initiative.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Brazil 2024

The SDGs in Brazil is the world’s largest corporate sustainability gathering, organized by the Brazilian network of the UN Global Compact. This event brings together hundreds of top leaders for panels, discussions, and networking around key topics such as the environment, human rights, labor, integrity, and finance.

The event will take place on September 19th and 20th, coinciding with the UN General Assembly week, when hundreds of countries, heads of state, and thousands of other global leaders gather in New York to discuss the most pressing societal issues.

Held at the United Nations Headquarters in the Delegates Dining Room, the SDGs in Brazil offers a unique and impactful experience where panelists and guests have the opportunity to interact at the international headquarters of the United Nations.

Neolink International key initiatives for the event include:

  1. Bringing in high-profile international speakers.
  2. Inviting a select group of Americans to the event.
  3. Coordinating meetings and social events with international initiatives, leveraging Climate Week and the UN General Assembly.

UN Global Compact

Launched in 2000 by then-United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, the UN Global Compact is a call for companies worldwide to align their operations and strategies with ten universal principles in the areas of Human Rights, Labor, Environment, and Anti-Corruption, and to develop actions that contribute to addressing societal challenges. Today, it stands as the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, with over 25,000 participants, including companies and organizations, spread across more than 67 local networks, with reach and engagement on every continent.

In the view of the former Secretary-General, spreading good business practices was not just rhetoric for the converted but a process of small steps toward profound change in global business management. Those who join the Global Compact also take on the responsibility of contributing to the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In 2015, all 193 United Nations member states unanimously adopted the 2030 Agenda—a plan of action from 2015 to 2030.

The Global Compact is not a regulatory instrument, an obligatory code of conduct, or a forum to police managerial policies and practices. It is a voluntary initiative that provides guidelines for promoting sustainable growth and citizenship through committed and innovative corporate leadership. The Global Compact’s headquarters is in New York.

What a great pleasure to attend the Hight Level Delegaton Pacto Global United Nations.

International Sustainability Forum | ESG Criteria: Paving the Way to the Future

Neolink has established a solid partnership with the University of São Paulo (USP) that has been developed over the past few years through the organization of various local and international events.

The University of São Paulo, represented by the Global Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution (GLIP-USP) from the Polytechnic School, organized the International Sustainability Forum: ESG Paving the Way to the Future in August 2022. The initiative aimed to foster public debate to create a commitment agenda that companies will follow in the coming years.

The topics discussed included the energy matrix of the future, governance and the sustainable movement, social responsibility, green logistics, sustainable agriculture, and the importance of sustainable investment.

The Consulate General of Brazil in New York, the Global Institute for Peace, the University of São Paulo, and Neolink cordially invite you to a book launch event on September 19, 2024, at 10:00 AM, located at 225 E 41st St, New York, NY 10017.


New York, NY 10010

Phone: 917 859 0284

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